But before I focus on October, I need to still capture a few moments from September:
A playground visit to meet up with some friends, but with our three girls and their two boys our conversations were frequently interrupted with "wait a secs" and "Oh no you don'ts" followed by a quick sprint to avert disaster - usually involving the Pipqueak.
Going to the same school has really bonded these two even more. They stick together against schoolyard bullies and while at home they spend many hours building forts and other things together, playing with their doll house, acting out fairy stories or just quietly puttering around near each other.
M now makes her own playdates by just phoning her next-door friend and arranging for her to come over. Hopscotch and sidewalk chalk are some favourite activities
The Pipsqueak holds her own with the big girls:
Ms. M continues to enjoy her soccer games, and loves to be goalie
The Pipsqeak can't wait for the games to be over so she can run around on the field, too
And an after-soccer playground stopover is always appreciated
Fall. I love it!
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