After a while, she picked up speed and ran from puddle to puddle
"Can't Believe they let me do this!"
And even big sisters M and E who were initially occupied with collecting leaves and sticks and playing with a Poodle aptly named "Chanel", couldn't help but rediscover their love for a good puddle once they saw the Pipsqueak's excitement.
I love these two together!
And no puddle-splashing walk would be complete without the requisite baby-sitting-in-the-middle-of-the-puddle episode, not captured on camera due to immediate rescue of the baby by camera-toting mama, followed by the tuckered out baby back in the stroller.
For lack of a blanket or dry pair of pants, we substituted a fleece hoodie - put the legs through the sleeves and flip the hood up in front - et voila!
Loving FALL!
Okay, now I HAVE to get Lily some rain boots:) These photos are too cute- I love the way you dress your girls!