I'm thankful for all of the usual: my wonderful husband and partner in life, my fabulous little girls, our health, our home and our wellbeing. They are "the usual", and also by far the most important things I am grateful for. They are the foundation from which everything else flows, all of the other good things which are just the icing on the thankfulness cake.
I am grateful for the most amazing year we have had, much of it spent travelling with our three very patient and adventurous little girls who would probably be just as happy playing at home but put up with their restless and crazy parents who dragged them all over the place. F and I really needed to get some of our "travelling crazies" out, and the time away has served its purpose: it has allowed us to see and experience some wonderful places but also to really enjoy digging in deep at home and to savour the everyday routines which are so welcome after spending time in places that are not home.
Three sisters, at home:
Kissable cheeks
I love this age - what a privilege to be the center of her world
Morning walks while big sisters are in school
Amusing ourselves in front of the school while waiting to pick up big sisters
It's ALL good!