
The End of Preschool (for a while . . .)

Miss E had her preschool graduation this week.  It was a fun little ceremony, watching the group of five-year-olds walk up onto the stage in their cute paper hats with their alternating serious and shy smiling little faces.   There were many happy/sad tears while the teachers did a last circle time.  Mostly on the adults' faces because the little ones were just enjoying the fact that their families were there and there was cake!

This preschool has been such a wonderful part of our family life and we will miss it!  At first (five years ago when Mia started in Toddler Class as an 18 month old) we just went by the recommendation of others to give this school in a large bright room of a church basement a try.  We were struck by the bright and cozy feeling of the room, the open and creative atmosphere and the fact that some of the big sturdy wooden toys were over 30 years old.  And we soon learned that M and E were very lucky to have such a loving environment in which to take their first stabs at playing with others, making friends and forging their own relationships with children and adults outside of their family.  The teachers provided not only a fun learning experience.  They also looked after our girls' little hearts.   We have made some good friends, and we have learned a lot about our own children while we were doing our twice monthly "duty days".  We will be glad to return with the Pipsqueak!

I secretly walked around with a lump in my throat for the whole week leading up to the girls' graduations from Preschool and Kindergarden.  I was surprised by the intensity of it - watching my girls grow up and the start of full-time school for both M and E in the fall is the change of an era.  They are changing from "little kids" into "kids".  In the past I have done very well with my motto of looking ahead rather than behind and welcoming and greeting new experiences rather than pining away for the past.  Having children  has apparently turned my excellent coping skills upside down and has just generally left me a soggy mess of emotions which were previously very well controlled thank you very much.   Somewhere along the way I have turned into a person who is not embarrassed by some tears at her daughter's preschool graduation party.  Scandalous!

Now to some pictures of the graduate receiving her yearbook and a family photo:

These are the cards she made for her teachers - you can tell the girl is seriously into hearts ...

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The party was followed by a group picnic on the beach at which E had fun hanging out with her friends ....

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Pipsqueak found some other babies to play with ....

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.... and Miss M played lots of beach volleyball and practiced her "jumping off a log" skills.

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We stayed chatting and playing with the girls' friends and their parents until the sun was on its way down and we were some of the last to leave the party, along with a few other stragglers.  By that time, we had shared good food and conversation, had looked out for each other's kids while they spread out on the beach and the grass, and had dug-up some band-aids from the bottom of our purses and diaper bags to assist with those inevitable scratches and scrapes.  Kisses were blown and hugs were given all around as we set back off for home with our stroller, picnic basket, assorted beach toys and three little girls.  And the whole evening somehow dissolved that lump in my throat.   What a fabulous end to preschool!


June Snippets

It has been a very busy month, getting ready for the end of the school year,  sick kids (first poor little E with a weeklong fever and now it has been M's turn), picnics, birthday parties and other events.  And just plain hanging out and trying not to blink 'cause time is running way too fast again and this mom is feeling a bit nostalgic and bittersweet seeing her big girls finishing Kindergarden and Preschool soon.   Makes me hang on to little Pipsqueak just a bit tighter ...

So what have we been up to?

Some good laughs

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comfy naps on dad's lap

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sidewalk chalk in the backyard

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enjoying our first homegrown strawberries of the year

getting ready for birthday parties

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enjoying our walks to preschool

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backyard time in our jammies

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... and some fun crafts ...

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... off to prepare for a preschool graduation party and then a year-end picnic at the beach.


She Walks!

We officially have a little toddler in the house!  With just a couple of weeks to spare before her first birthday, our little Pipsqueak has started to walk on her own.  All of those weeks of tireless practice have paid off,  and she is so proud of herself!   This little girl has been working on her balance skills and trying to take steps as if she is in training for some big event.  She REALLY wanted to do this and  now she wanders through the house clapping her hands in glee ...

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug  notice the little clapping hands!
necklace courtesy of big sister 

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And for the first time, after checking out each room in the house of course, she spent about twenty minutes looking at a book.  I guess, now that we've got the walking down, there may be some time for more cerebral pursuits?!

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Happy Monday!


Happy Fathers Day

The fact that you knew you wanted to have children many years before I did should have been my clue that you would be a fantastic father.

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You are not just there for the good times - bedtime stories, preschool graduation parties, walks in the park - but also for the mundane and routine tasks like helping to fix things at the preschool, brushing teeth and getting up in the middle of the night to calm the fears of sick and feverish little girls.

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You are our steady rock and our girls are immensely lucky to have you as their dad.

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And for me, you are the best partner-in-life I could have imagined.  I'd marry you again any day - even on those "no sleep, house is a mess, kids are whiny and its raining" ones :)


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I Heart Faces Photo Challenge | Bright and Vivid

This image came to mind immediately when I thought of this week's theme

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Leftover balloons from big sister's birthday party


Happy Wednesday

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(not bad for an IPhone Camera!)


I Heart Faces Photo Challenge | From a Distance

What fun to submit my first entry:

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My big girls, taken on vacation in Utah.

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